Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Witch! - A Short Story

This is a story I wrote a while back, exploring the history and backstory of the Starforce Saga universe. In a world (You thought that in a deep voice, didn't you.) where exohumans have been around as long as humans, history would have played out in subtly different ways. This one explores the milieu of the Salem Witch Trials. Set in Colonial Massachusetts, it gave me an opportunity to explore a different style of voice, inspired and guided by the writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne.


By Richard L. Wright

   As I drifted in that not-quite-awake state, I knew I’d had the dream again. It had become a recurring theme in recent months - the one where I soar through the air, conversing with the owls and nighthawks that hunt by the pale moon. Again, they’d chastised me, calling me clumsy and slow. “Wingless girl-child! Graceless groundling! Stay where you belong!” The mockingbirds were particularly cruel.
   A chill ran through me, cold air seeping through my thin nightshift. I pinched my eyes shut, unwilling to acknowledge being awake. Wakefulness would start the day, and I did not enjoy my days much of late. I reached down to pull up the blanket I must have thrown off. I groped blindly for it, but it did not come to hand. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes.
   Imagine my surprise to find I was not in my bed, nor had I rolled off onto the floor. No, I was decidedly not in my bedchamber at all. I was, in fact, in a tree. My puzzlement quickly turned to panic, and I wrapped my arms and legs around the broad oak branch where I found myself.
   “My stars!” I cried.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Book Launch!

I'm proud to announce that my superhero-romance novel, Burden of Solace, will be available on Amazon starting February 7th.

Cassie Whelan can heal any wound…
except her own heart.
Everyone expected Cassie to become a doctor, to honor the legacy of her humanitarian parents. Those expectations have made her angry, cynical and lonely. Then a brutal attack triggers Emergence. Her body now heals itself instantly, and she can sense emotions and injuries in others. She’s become an exohuman: a freak, a non-person without rights, freedoms - not even deserving of a name. Her hands can heal any wound, but the good she can do comes at a price.
If the government finds out, Cassie will be conscripted into the ranks of numbered law-enforcement drones called Guardians. Despite the desire to use her new abilities to help people, Cassie knows she’s no hero. She needs to hide.
But there’s a sadistic rogue exo, and he’s behind an epidemic of murders, madness and suicides in her city. He’s already tried to kill Cassie and she may be the only one immune to his power, the only one that can stop him.
Her sole ally is the invulnerable titan, Guardian 175. With her empathic senses she can actually feel his growing affection for her. But his loyalties are divided between love and duty. She wants to trust him, but it’s a lot to ask of her and betrayal by him could destroy everything.
  As soon as the book goes live, I'll post links. Stay tuned!